Nora Natural Shop was created by a mother-daughter duo, from Trumbull, Connecticut. Together, both Barbara and Stephanie are on coinciding journeys to clean and healthy living! After facing their own health obstacles, they decided to take matters into their own hands, by living chemical-free lifestyles...which sparked the idea to begin creating their own line of pure and natural products, from completely raw and organic ingredients!
Barbara entered her passage into clean living in 2015, when she began to suffer from vertigo and severe hearing loss at just 50 years old. As each doctor passed her onto the next, provided no course of action or solution, prescribed medication after medication, and assumed that she was over exaggerating or falsifying symptoms, she turned to the healing powers of essential oils. Once Barbara began witnessing the results for herself, she taught herself how to homemake her own products for daily life. Barbara went from being unable to work from crippling dizziness, nausea, and tinnitus, to regaining complete control over her life, and becoming a super busy and successful entrepreneur!
Stephanie initiated her own journey into a natural lifestyle in 2018, after being struck by an elevator, and obtaining potentially life-long injuries at only 22. She subsequently tried medications, procedures, and physical therapy, all of which rarely gave her lasting relief. After realizing it was going to take a lifestyle change to be able to manage her pain levels, she started on a vegan diet, tried daily doses of CBD, and became dedicated to a workout routine, five days a week...gradually repairing and strengthening her body more than any doctor, medication, or physical therapist was able to. Stephanie was already very familiar with her mother’s natural creations, and she converted to a true believer of clean living.
Together, Barbara and Stephanie are ready to take on the beauty and cosmetics world of products because they know all too well how many harmful chemicals exist in our daily commodities and how detrimental they are to our health...physically, mentally, emotionally, AND spiritually! They are here to offer their community homemade creations, all of which contain ingredients completely and utterly conceived by nature!