Embark on a delightful adventure with two lovable dogs and an adventurous five-year-old as they take a stroll, encountering a whimsical array of animals. This heartwarming children's book not only sparks curiosity about the animal kingdom but also nurtures early verbal skills. Join the trio in a charming tale that fosters sound recognition, early words, and emotional awareness, making every step of the journey a playful opportunity for learning and laughter.
Bundle Includes
- One autographed hardcover copy of Let’s Go Tilly! Let’s Go Molly!
- One Tilly/Molly Plushie
- One Adventures with Tilly and Molly Bookmark
- Bundle of Three Tyler-Tilly-Molly Stickers
Gift Bundle 3
The perfect book for children (ages 0-6), teachers, counselors, therapy dog handlers, children's hospitals, doctor's offices, dog lovers, etc.
Great for birthdays, baby showers, teacher appreciation events, Christmas, etc!
Best Features:
- encourages verbal development in young children, including sounds, early words, and emotional awareness.
- Exciting, animal, adventure story
- Beautiful Illustrations
- Literary elements: onomatopoeia, anaphora, auditory imagery, and visual imagery